General Liability Products and Services
At General Liability, we specialize in commercial business insurance so you don’t have to. Whether you’re a new business, a small business or you are simply shopping for better rates on commercial insurance, chances are we’ve got helpful information to guide you in making good decisions about your coverage and the insurance products to help you find a lower cost for better coverage. Give one of our business insurance Specialists a call today at 800-900-8657, or start your business liability quote here online.

General Liability Insurance Information:
✓ General Liability FAQs
✓ What is General Liability Insurance?
✓ How Much Does GL Insurance Cost?
✓ General Liability vs. Professional Liability
✓ General Liability Business Classifications
✓ Claims Made vs. Occurrence Coverage
✓ What is a BOP?
Small Business Liability Insurance
Many small business owners will benefit from purchasing a Business Owners Policy (BOP) instead of buying business insurance coverages on an individual basis. A BOP includes GL coverage and typically allows for customization of business personal property coverage amounts, liability limits on the policy and a Hired and Non-Owned coverage endorsements.
These policies also generally include a small amount of additional coverages such as Accounts Receivable, EPLI insurance and Data Breach. These additional lines of coverage are throw-ins in the insurance industry because they are often included with a BOP at no additional charge. Overall, BOPs often provide greater insurance coverage at a lower cost that buying the same coverages individually.
General Liability Insurance Quote
Getting a General Liability insurance quote doesn’t have to be complicated. Once an agent understands what your business does and how it operates, they will need additional information about your payroll, sub-contractors (if any), gross sales, property and other potential liability exposures.
The primary responsibility of a good insurance agent is to ensure your business is properly protected from potential losses and claims, and that you understand the pros and cons of each decision you make in regard to insurance for your business. Once the agent has a grasp for you are looking, the focus shifts to marketing your business to insurance companies and underwriters. Top quality, professional, insurance agents understand what it takes to get business owners the best rates on their commercial insurance.
Start a quote online or give one of our commercial liability Specialists a call today at 800-900-8657
General Liability Insurance for Contractors
Contractor liability insurance is important to construction businesses because most general contractors require certificates of insurance prior to allowing a sub-contractor to perform work on a jobsite. Contractors also have a good deal of liability exposure regarding the work the perform for others. Not only is their a risk of damage to property or a third-party injury during the course of the work being performed. Their is also and a products liability exposure after the work is completed.
Contractors should also consider purchasing Inland Marine coverage for their tools and equipment since it covers both damage and theft. This coverage is often very affordable and can usually be added onto a BOP.
Contractors are often presented with Claims Made policy quotes as opposed to Occurrence policy quotes (see Claims Made vs. Occurrence Coverage). Coverage for product liability underneath the General Liability policy is handled very differently between these two types of coverage forms. Contractors should carefully consider both the value and the cost of each policy. An Occurrence policy may be a little more expensive than a Claims Made policy, but the overall value is generally better for Contractors. However, sometimes Occurrence form coverage may not be available for all types of construction contractors.