Errors and Omissions Insurance
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. When a business or professional makes a mistake that results in financial, or other harm, to their customer, they need defense and aide in making that customer financially whole again. This is precisely the value proposition with errors and omissions insurance. Even when the claim against you is groundless, or without merit, the cost of defending against an E&O claims can be significant.
E&O claims are not always predicated on a financial loss; they can also arise from personal injury with regard to libel, slander or reputation damage. Most errors and omissions policies will provide some coverage for this type of exposure. Common forms of libel or slander include public media misprints, copyright infringement and oral defamation.
Who Needs E&O Insurance?
Almost all professionals that give expert advice or provide a technical service need errors and omissions insurance coverage. Most people think of E&O as medical malpractice insurance, strictly required by doctors and other medical professionals. However, there are dozens of professions that need E&O coverage.
Simply stated, if you’re in the business of giving advice or providing a professional service for a fee, you probably need errors and omissions insurance.
How Much Does E&O Cost?
Errors and omissions coverage ranges in price starting under $1,000, depending on the risks associated with the business and your gross revenues and payroll. Insurance companies formulate their own rates for coverage as E&O rates are not regulated by any states. Policy language and coverage elements are also entirely up to the insurance company and can add or detract from the value of any E&O policy.

Where to Buy E&O Insurance Coverage?
Errors and omissions insurance is a highly specialized insurance coverage, therefore, not all insurance companies offer E&O coverage. Similar to BOP Insurance, insurance companies must create customized programs and policies for the various classes of business they choose to cover.
Errors and omissions coverage is well suited for shopping online because many local and regional insurance agencies only have access to a limited number of E&O providers. Consider quoting E&O coverage with an independent agency that offers numerous markets as opposed to a carrier that will only provide one quote for errors and omissions coverage.
Errors and Omissions Insurance Quote
General Liability is a national insurance agency specializing in business liability insurance, such as errors and omissions insurance. We offer E&O insurance quotes from a wide variety of insurance companies with unique E&O appetites and programs. Our Specialists are trained to recognize the key features and benefits of each carriers’ policies so we can help business owners find the best price and value on their coverage.
Start an E&O quote online today, or give us a call at 800-900-8657
Why Choose General Liability for E&O?
Errors and omissions insurance is only beneficial if it actually covers the appropriate risks associated with your business. Often times, professional business owners find themselves with more generic forms of E&O coverage with too many policy exclusions and vague policy language. Business owners need highly qualified agents who understand what each policy actually offers in terms of coverage and benefits.
Our agents are better qualified to answer questions about errors and omissions, and to compare coverage options and details with business owners. We understand that business owners want great E&O coverage at a lower price. That’s why we constantly monitor and rate our insurance partners in terms of programs, price and benefits. You get unbiased information and feedback regarding all the top E&O programs available on the market.

A lot of business professionals manage important data and information about their customers. Data breach coverage helps businesses manage this type of risk.
Learn more about a Data Breech Insurance.